I wish I could fufill my heart’s desire live its dreams daily.

I wish that she could commit to me all the energy she commits to them and nourish the sleeping champion within me.

I wish codependence had a miracle pill,
a wonder drug that in daily doses would free me of these in-visible chains connected to my heart via my brain.

I wish that exceptance and acknowlegment weren’t requirements and that exisistance and breathing were acceptable enough.

I wish that the heart and head were seperate functioning entities, neither reliant on the other for function or exisitance.

I wish for humans to exist without the basic needs of love and shelter, for us all to be self reliant and sufficent.

I wish that parents didn’t impose their short-comings on their children and expect them to be over-acheievers.

Why is it that the love of God that lives in me not sufficent to sustain me? Do I not believe enough? Do I not pray enough? Am I not intune?

Out of sync, out of touch.
At times I wish I didn’t need to feel so much.

I wish I had a magic lamp.

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